这是我们组织参加的一次跨国、跨组织折纸活动。目前活动尚未完全结束,更多细节结束后会公布。以下为我方创作场景播报: 场景折纸,由1个以上的模型组成折纸作品,现代折纸圈比较常见的题材有圣子降临、国际象棋等...
Product Update Notification-WangShuo
Exciting news! Introducing our new products , perfect for all people out there ! We have expanded ou...
The List Of 14th KOREA ORIGAMI CONVENTION GOODS(2024) Origami Pro7 - Photo card Size: 5cm*9cm...
【折纸教室】蜜袋鼯 Sugar Glider by Tachen
(Click on the image to purchase) 蜜袋鼯 Sugar Glider Designer:踏晨 Tachen Format of Origami origam...
“福”2024 origami package
福 Designer:五迷 Wumi About the Author 郭嵩(Guo Song), Wumi, now living in Dalian, Liaoning Province, ha...
图书到店:origami dragons
Origami Dinosaurs 折り紙ダイナソーズ プレミアム 折纸恐龙 【 In stock 】Origami Dinosaurs 折り紙ダイナソーズ プレミアム 折纸恐龙 – SAOC ORI...
新书到店 Origami masters bugs (JP version)
图书详情:184彩页 精装 日语 Origami masters bugs (JP version) – SAOC ORIGAMI
Elephant paper discount
We purchased a batch of particularly cheap Elephant paper from the distributor, however only one col...
new paper satogami and gift~
new size in stock, 35cm 24sheets,5.88USD link: satogami Tip: If you purchase satogami or vintage pap...
New books ~ IN Stock
potential origami and some other Korea Origami now are all in stock we will start ship the in...