【Diagrams】 Girl by @Zhangyifan_32(Twitter)photodiagrams pdf

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The modeling refers to the role image of the gardener in the "fifth personality" of the game.

After some simplified modify, you can also call her "little girl" directly.

This design method of this models : first determining the  position (head) and then "reasoning" the other branches layer

purchase link:小女孩

【Diagrams】 Girl by @Zhangyifan_32(Twitter)photodiagrams pdf

【Diagrams】 Girl by @Zhangyifan_32(Twitter)photodiagrams pdf【Diagrams】 Girl by @Zhangyifan_32(Twitter)photodiagrams pdf【Diagrams】 Girl by @Zhangyifan_32(Twitter)photodiagrams pdf【Diagrams】 Girl by @Zhangyifan_32(Twitter)photodiagrams pdf

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